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Account & Profile

How do I know if the Terms of Use or Privacy Policy have changed since I first registered my profile?

The most up to date versions can be found under:

  • Settings > Terms and Conditions.

This will link to a web page with the latest version.

What if I don't agree with any changes to the Terms

Stop using MyCrate App immediately and delete your profile

Settings>Setup>Delete My Profile

How to edit my Profile

Open Settings > setup

How do I delete all of my Crates and Content

Settings > Setup > Permanently delete all crates

I have changed my contact details - what happens if I do not update them in my profile?

MyCrate uses various sources of verification, in multiple stages, to establish your identitiy or profile. If you do not update your contact details then you may not be able to recover your account or share Crates with other users

Why do I get a message saying my content may be deleted in 30 days?

If your account has been dormant for 90 days or more, the storage of your crates and content may be archived or deleted.

Your profile will continue to exist, along with the crates you have set up but the content may not. This will affect any crates you have shared

How do I delete my account?

Open Settings > Setup > Account Profile > Delete My Profile > Confirm

More information on the leaving page

What happens when I delete my Profile?

Deleting your account removes:

  • Your profile
  • Any in App contacts but not those listed in your Operating System contacts
  • Content and Crates that are stored within the app that belong to your profile
  • Shared access of other users from any crates you shared with those other users
  • Your access to any shared Crates you have been invited to

We advise that you have any content you wish to preserve backed up before doing this

I have a message saying my account has been frozen

Your account may have been frozen for a variety of reasons.

If you think this decision was incorrect, please contact us

Why has my profile has been banned?

If you have been the subject of or participated in activities that have broken the Terms you may find your profile has been banned

If you think this decision was incorrect, please contact us

Can I set up a business account?

MyCrate App and Services are for personal use only, as per the Terms

My account has been hacked! - How do I lock my account or register a new email address?

That is the worst!!! Contact Customer Support immediately via our email. We can then attempt to validate your identity with our best endeavours and lock the account for up to 30 days. Then you should regain access to the security validation method that has been compromised and notify us to unlock the account when satisfied it is safe.
If this lasts longer than 30 days, your content may be at risk of deletion.
Contact Support for an extension.

Should you wish to move the account to a different email, once we have verified your details, then Support can change the email account associated with the MyCrate Profile.

Note - it is a users responsibility entirely to retain control of the MyCrate account and any security method associated with the App. MyCrate is not responsible for policing fraudulent activity or requests related to the account.

How do I add my photos from my device to my profile picture?

Open your photo application on your device, select the image you wish to use and share that image to MyCrate.

When MyCrate opens choose the option to use the image as your Profile picture.

I use an Apple device and my user name looks weird!

As an Apple user, you may see your user name obfuscated when you first register as the app generates your user name from the email address - which some users may have set as private as part of their iOS settings. You can simply edit your name at the top of the profile settings page and change it to the cool ‘nom de guerre’ of your choice!


How do I create a new Crate?

New crates can be created from the quick menu add

  • Select Crates
  • Give your new Crate a name and a colour
  • Save - boom that was easy wasn't it!

I really don't like your default colours!! Are there anymore?

Press the sync button and 9 more choices will toggle

Press the edit edit and access an expansive pallet

Why do I need to give my Crate a name?

Giving your Crate a name, colour or description will make it easy to search for that Crate when you have lots of Crates!

Why does one of my crates have a 'group' badge?

The badge indicates that the Crate is being shared with other users.
A list of those sharing the Crate can be viewed if you open the Crate

Why does my Crate have a number associated with it?

This is the number of captures you have within the Crate

How do I 'Tag' a Crate?

Select the Crate > edit > select the add icon below the name box > type a tag!

Captures & Content

Where is my content?

MyCrate stores all of your captures/content/stuff in crates. The crates are stored in the cloud.

How do I add a Capture to a Crate?

Three ways:

  • Directly from a Crate,
  • From the quick menu add
  • Sharing from other Apps

Adding a Capture directly from a Crate

Simply expand the Crate > scroll right along your captures and select add icon

Adding a Capture via the Quick Menu add

opens your camera > discard, edit or accept the image > name the Capture > give it a Crate > save

Sharing from other Apps

Simply select the item you wish to store, select share icon from that App, select MyCrate App

Why can't I add any more content to the App?

You may have exceeded your free allowance of data. To expand your content you will need to subscribe


My subscription is up to date but I cannot add content to a shared crate I do not own

If the original creator/owner of the shared crate has insufficient subscription to cover the content in the shared crate then no user will be able to add content. Tell them to update their subscription package!

How do I invite another person to share one of my crates?

Simply open the Crate you wish to share and click on the sharing icon, a link will be copied to your clipboard for you to paste into whichever App you wish to share the link to your contacts - e.g. Email, SMS, WhatsApp

Can I share the same Crate with more than one contact?

Yes, you can share a Crate with multiple users

I shared a Crate with a group of contacts and want to exclude one of the contacts.

Oh dear! That is the worst. Could you not be friends again? If not then:

  • As you are the creator - you can remove whomever you wish from your list of shared users
  • If you don't want to do it, you could make one of your shared users an 'Admin' for the crate and they could do it for you!

How do I know if I am sharing a Crate?

If you have invited a User to a Crate that you own, then there will be a blue badge on that Crate. If you have been invited to share another User's Crate, then the badge will be yellow!
Also,the names of the users sharing the crate will be listed within the crate.

If I share a Crate, who can view the content?

Any user you have shared the Crate with and has accepted that invite

If I share a Crate with other users, can those users put content in the Crate?

Yes - any user that has been given access can either save content to the Crate or delete content from the Crate

Can the other users I share my Crate with copy or move the content from the Crate to other Applications?


How do I remove content from a shared Crate?

Simply delete it as you would for a crate you own

What happens when I remove User access to a Crate I have shared?

The next time the user is connected to the internet the shared crate and any content will not be visible. If the user prior to connecting reshared content to another crate or app, then of course you cannot remove that.

I have received an invite to share a Crate from a User that I do not know, should I accept?

If in any doubt we advise that you treat unknown invites in the same way you may treat a 'phishing email' that you suspect to be harmful

You must use your best judgement and if in doubt, do not accept an invite

Remember - any invite you accept or bestow, is by mutual agreement and is a private matter between you and the other user.

I have declined an invite but would now like to accept

If you have received a link and declined an invite but would now like to accept, simply re-follow the link and accept! If you have lost the link, then you will need to ask your friend nicely for another one!

Can I re-share a Crate if I did not originally own it, but was invited to it?

Yes. Simply press the share icon and send the link to your new contact/user

Can I remove a user's sharing access to a Crate if I did not originally own it?

It depends on your user profile!

  • If you are the original creator of the crate - yes - go wild, you can remove anyone form the crate you choose!
  • you are an appointed admin for the crate - yes.
  • If you are a plain old ordinary user - sorry, you will need to speak nicely to the creator or the admin

I have put my personal content in a shared Crate I was invited to and my access has been removed. Why?

Oh dear there could be a number of reasons for this

  • The owner or an admin may have removed you from it — ask nice to be let back in perhaps?
  • The original owner may have deleted the crate — which would remove all contents

I have terminated my account, what happens to the Crates that I shared with other users?

As you were the original creator of a Crate, by terminating your account you will remove access to those Crates from the other users.
As you owned the Crate, any content stored within the Crate can also not be accessed by the other users, regardless of who originally put this in the Crate.

Can I share a single Capture without sharing a Crate?

Yes - this is too easy! Simply select the Capture you wish to share and then the icon send. You can then choose an App to share the Capture with.


What can I use to make it super easy to search for a Crate?

Give your Crate a Name

What can I use to make it super easy to search for an individual Capture?

Give your Capture a name or a tag. To be a superstar do both!


One of my contacts keeps sending me ‘Tasks’ - what are they?

If you share a crate with another user then they and you have the ability to set 'Tasks' to each other.
You may also set a task to yourself alone.

Do I have to do something another user has set as a Task?

The scope of the Task is entirely a personal matter between you and the other user or users. It is a non binding arrangement and should be taken as such.

How do I set a Task?

Simply edit any of your captures or files and the task bar will be there. Write what you need to ‘Task’ yourself or others with and send it to them!

How do I check what Tasks I have?

If you go to your profile then there is a section called ‘To Do’. This lists all outstanding Tasks. Clicking on any of the list will take you to the crate and capture and task.

How do I complete a Task?

Simply go to the Capture it relates to, then click on it. You can get to the Capture directly by tapping the To Do in your profile. When it expands, the user can select three stages of completion - Red/Amber/Green. Selecting Green and then save will complete the Task.

How do I send other users a reminder to look at a Task?

Go to the capture it relates to and open the task. You should see the progress each user has updated against the Task. Clicking on the arrow icon will send a reminder to Users that are not at full completion stage.

One of my shared Users has marked a Task complete but I know for a fact they have not done anything related to it.

Oh wow, that sucks eh? Of course, it is entirely their choice and they may choose not to carry out the Task, perhaps they were being polite. Communicate and lastly - be nice to each other 😁 If you are the owner or admin of the crate - then of course you could reset the task to reflect the actual progress that has been made for that user.

Accounts, Subscriptions and your Content

What type of account do I have?

Navigate to the subscription page - if you see a green tick against a subscription option, then you are subscribed. If not, your account may be in the Trial mode with 5Mb or less storage.

I’ve been away! What happened to the Content in my Account?

If you held a Trial User account and did not access the app or services for 28 days, then your account may have Dormant Status applied to it.

Once deemed Dormant, any Content is deleted and only the registration details remain associated with the account.

At this point you could start using the app again for another trial period or subscribe

I once had an account but cannot log in or find it!

If you were a trial user that did not use the app or services for 45 days, then your account may have been moved to Dormant status and then deleted.

Sorry about that but you will need to register again.

My Subscription is up to date and I have plenty of storage, do you delete my content if I do not access the app or services?

If you are a subscribed user, up to date with your fees and holding enough storage for your content, we do not delete content based upon the last access to app or services. If you downgrade your subscription and do not have sufficient storage for your content, then your content may be deleted to fit your subscription plan.

I want to downgrade my Subscription

This is managed inside the App on the subscription page. The downgrade will come into effect on the next billing cycle. There are no refunds for the current billing cycle. If downgrading subscription, users should delete enough content from their account to fit the subscription storage limit they are transitioning to. See the Terms for further details.